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About Our Retreats

Nature Immersion RETREATS

Everything has a hidden face. Hidden, not in the sense that it is intentionally concealed, but in that it can only be seen with different eyes than the physical. A different mode of perception must be used. 

The hidden face of nature can only be seen with the heart.
Stephen Buhner

We develop sensitivity through our senses as we “learn” through experience…. meditating, moving, drawing and seeing, creating, feeling, and self- reflecting; all in a relaxed and emotionally safe environment. Connecting to our hearts during these practices promotes mindfulness, intuition, compassion, awareness, and presence. 

During the weekend, you will:

  • Learn your own unique way to connect with your “inner wisdom” to benefit your connection with Nature.
  • Experience strategies for self care.
  • Partake in hands-on artistic creation/writing/drawing as acts of nature connection (if you choose to).
  • Learn natural practices for depression, anxiety, and other maladies. Richard Louv has coined the term "nature deficit disorder" to describe the malaise we feel when we don't have regular, sustained contact with the more than human world.  Forest Immersion practices are the antidote. 

    Applying this to your life
We immerse you in Nature through creative experiences like journaling/drawing, mindfulness practices,walking and focusing perception. You will take home strategies for ongoing contact with the more-than-human-world.

Our senses are living organs intended to receive communications. They connect us to, interweave us with, the stream of informational energy that comes to us every moment of every day that we live. Focusing perception through  the senses immerses the self in the Earth’s sensory flows...S.H. Buhner

Come join us. We would love to share in this experience with you. 


Forest Immersion, Meditation and Writing, Hoh Rainforest, August 22 - 26

For this retreat we will hike each day (for three days) to the One Square Inch of Silence--a place described as "very possibly the quietest place in the United States." We will meditate and write in this forest, have a quiet lunch, and return to camp for dinner and group process. Retreat participants should be prepared for rain, and able to hike for an hour each way over changeable terrain. Please contact us to register, and for more details. 


Meditation, Creation and Forest Immersion Retreat - Jedediah Smith, September 26 - 30, 2016

This is a very special retreat wherein we travel to a lesser known grove of great elder Redwoods, sit in silence and immerse in the forest and nearby creek. The quiet, contemplative power and strength of these trees will move and inhabit your own meditation and creative practice. Not to be missed!

RETREAT in Ca-  Joshua Tree State Park, Ca

Meditation, Creation and Forest Immersion Retreat - Anza Borrego State Park, Ca. 
October 16 - 21st,  and December 4th - 8th, 2016

CE credits may be available! Ask...
 REGISTRATION and CALENDAR - pages are under construction. You can send us an email for questions or to register and  hold a place..... Clients:



Our preferred method of contact is by email.
Therapists! Email:
1424 NE 155th St #206
Shoreline, WA 98155
Phone: 206.930.7780