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Retreat Calendar

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Nature Immersion in the Hoh

Nature Immersion Practice helps you regenerate and remember the joy of your body on this earth, relieve stress, build your immunity, and improve your mental health. For this Ecotherapy retreat we will hike each day (for three days) to the One Square Inch of Silence--a place described as "very possibly the quietest place in the United States." We will meditate, forest bathe and write, have a contemplative lunch, and return to camp for dinner and group process, where lifelong and supportive connections may be made. Retreat participants should be prepared for rain, and able to hike for three miles each way over changeable (but flat) terrain. Some barefoot training and natural movement will also be taught. 

Cost is $225.00. You are responsible for your own camping set up, but campsite costs are provided. Simple oatmeal/quinoa breakfasts are offered (with dried fruit, nuts and coconut milk), and soup and salad dinners will be provided (all vegan and gluten-free). Please bring your own portable lunches and extra snacks. Two work trade positions are available.

Space is limited to 15 people. Register by July 25th to hold your space. 

Where: Hoh Rainforest Campground, Olympic National Forest

How Much: $225.00, $100.00 deposit to hold a space

Accommodations: Bring your own tent. 

Nature Immersion in the Hoh