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Couples Group Therapy Retreat on Whidbey Island

Nature Immersion Retreats

Nature Immersion Practice helps you regenerate and remember the joy of your body on this earth, relieve stress, build your immunity, and improve your mental health. We will hike each day, meditate, forest bathe, write, have a contemplative lunch, returning to camp for dinner and group process, where lifelong and supportive connections may be made. Retreat participants should be prepared for weather, and able to hike over changeable moderate terrain. Some barefoot training and natural movement will also be taught.

Couples Group Therapy Retreat on Whidbey Island


Couples Group Therapy Retreat on Whidbey Island

from $200.00

Renew Your Passion is hosting a workshop where 5 couples will share a weekend of Nature Immersion and learn Compassionate Communication.

As a result of being programmed from birth to be dominated by our thinking minds we have lost touch with our senses, especially the Heart. Here you will be immersed in Nature, tuning in, relaxing your body, connecting with your Heart.

With your Heart open you and your partner will be able to confidently use conflict to bring you closer together. Once you learn to speak to each other without blaming, criticizing, or stonewalling your relationship can be transformed.

When: Saturday July 30, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. to July 31st at 1:00 p.m. Meeting for 10 hours.
Where: South Whidbey Island (1 1/2hrs from Seattle, WA).
How Much: $500/ Couple
Accommodations: Camping free on our property or local

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