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Meditation, Creation and Nature Immersion Retreat

Nature Immersion Retreats

Nature Immersion Practice helps you regenerate and remember the joy of your body on this earth, relieve stress, build your immunity, and improve your mental health. We will hike each day, meditate, forest bathe, write, have a contemplative lunch, returning to camp for dinner and group process, where lifelong and supportive connections may be made. Retreat participants should be prepared for weather, and able to hike over changeable moderate terrain. Some barefoot training and natural movement will also be taught.

Meditation, Creation and Nature Immersion Retreat

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Sicco RoodBSprings.jpg

Meditation, Creation and Nature Immersion Retreat

from $200.00

(Photo credit, Sicco Rood)

“The extreme clarity of the desert light is equaled by the extreme individuation of desert life forms. Love flowers best in openness and freedom.” ― Edward AbbeyDesert Solitaire
What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Join us in Borrego Springs for the full desert immersion experience. We are camping near the trailhead for Palm Canyon, where a desert oasis rewards a and easy to moderate hike. Borrego Springs is a very friendly small town with many dinner options. Breakfast and lunch will be provided in camp and on the trail. Bring your journals and creative implements, and a portable lightweight sitting cushion for the trail if you need one. As a special treat, there will be training in Mindful Communication skills during the evening at campfire. This is a very special place, and a favorite retreat! 

Anza Borrego State Park, CA
October 16 - 21st or December 4 - 8th



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